Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Although it is still a relatively new idea, blockchain voting projects are spreading across the world. These initiatives seek to decentralize democratic voting and elections, but because of the sector’s infancy and the limitations that exist right now, a number of blockchain voting initiatives are being created, each with small variants. However, as we learn more about the subject, we come across common issues that these initiatives need to resolve in order to see the broad adoption of decentralised voting systems. Let’s first look at important blockchain voting projects, their features, and how they contribute to the advancement of a transparent future.


Luxoft Holding, Inc, the renowned IT service provider, collaborated with the City of Zug and Lucerne University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland to create an innovative voting system that ensures decentralization. The objective of this groundbreaking solution is to implement large-scale blockchain-based voting in a significant economy. Luxoft’s pioneering efforts in this field resulted in the establishment of the Government Alliance Blockchain, an initiative that focuses on incorporating blockchain technology into public institutions. Luxoft actively developed the system software, algorithms, and the entire voting platform, utilizing the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.

Moreover, Luxoft has successfully developed a groundbreaking voting system known as “e-Vote.” This solution seamlessly integrates the advanced capabilities of Ethereum, a prominent smart contract chain. In collaboration with the city of Zug’s digital ID registration application and the customized identity platform uPort, e-Vote empowers Swiss residents to securely cast their electoral votes on the blockchain. Notably, e-Vote guarantees the highest standards of public security audits. It also ensures tamper-proof tallying and guarantees utmost confidentiality for voters.

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Polys is a provider of software and hardware solutions for electronic voting. It operates as an open-source platform, ensuring transparency and catering to a wide range of services. As one of the top blockchain voting projects, it offers a cloud-based solution, blockchain voting machine terminals, and comprehensive maintenance and customer services. All votes cast on Polys, whether through smartphones or terminals, are securely recorded on the blockchain. This ensures that the votes remain immutable. Furthermore, Polys has the ability to aggregate votes from various devices and terminals for the same poll.

The mission is to reduce the inefficiencies and overheads associated with legacy voting systems. Additionally, Polys enables local authorities and organizations to have more time to prepare proposals that resonate with voters. It is no surprise that it is widely recognized as a leading blockchain voting project, especially suitable for student unions, councils, and associations.

According to its website, the incorporation of decentralized voting systems enhances communication among leaders and improves productivity within communities.

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Agora, a notable platform, earns its place among the top blockchain voting projects as it revolutionizes voting systems. It spearheaded the movement of bringing voting systems into the digital age since its establishment in 2015. Through skillful integration of blockchain and decentralized technologies, Agora achieved the distinction of successfully implementing the first blockchain voting project in a presidential election. The groundbreaking solution debuted during the Sierra Leone presidential campaign in March 2018, effectively combatting polling fraud and reducing overheads.

Agora employs a custom blockchain equipped with unique security and consensus features tailored to the needs of community, public, and private organizations. Notably, the Agora blockchain voting project empowers users to securely cast their votes through the incorporation of a native token.

The Agora decentralized voting system employs a consensus model specifically tailored for voting, devoid of financial incentives. Moreover, the Agora ecosystem offers clients, including communities, institutions, and governments, the flexibility to choose between permissioned or permissionless infrastructure. Renowned for its ability to cater to the unique requirements of each client, Agora plays a vital role in organizing and managing election polls and their results. Additionally, the Agora ecosystem encompasses decentralized applications (dApps) designed for tracking ballots, managing election financials, and monitoring staff movements.

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Voatz, a leading mobile decentralized voting system, earns its place in our list of top blockchain voting projects. It intertwines biometric authentication and operates as a mobile-first ballot application that incorporates blockchain technology. This integration ensures the security, transparency, and immutability of votes. Additionally, Voatz provides its members with a blockchain-based audit portal and administrative dashboard. These features offer real-time analytical insights accessible on mobile or tablet devices. As a result, Voatz becomes a popular choice for secure, anonymous, and remote voting from anywhere in the world.

To be eligible to vote, users must register by providing a selfie image and bio-authentication details such as FaceID or fingerprint. Once registered, users can enter the app to view relevant polls. From there, they can proceed to mark, review, and submit their votes using existing biometric data or a secure PIN. After submitting their votes, voters receive an anonymized receipt. This receipt enables them to verify their selection and can also be used for post-election audits within local jurisdictions.

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Follow My Vote

Follow My Vote (FMV) secures its place on our list of “top blockchain voting projects.” FMV operates as a blockchain solutions platform that primarily offers a decentralized voting system. After successfully launching a crowdfunding campaign to generate funds for developing open-source blockchain voting software, FMV introduces Pollaris. FMV names this next-generation polling application after the guiding star ‘Polaris’ and considers it the foundation for their blockchain voting solutions. In a blog post, Follow My Vote (FMV) outlines its mission and objectives for Pollaris. The team encourages developers worldwide to inspect and modify the code as the decentralized voting system is completely open-source.

Moreover, Pollaris serves as a testing ground for future applications and design principles tailored to the needs of various demographics. The application provides campaign managers with real-time insights into democratic development. It also empowers voters with transparent ballot box-checking capabilities. Additionally, organizations can utilize Pollaris to gather insights into member or market sentiment.

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Genesis Convergence’s Expertise in Development and Consultancy of Decentralized Voting Systems

Genesis Convergence, a software development and consulting house, is well-positioned to contribute significantly to the development and consultancy of decentralized voting systems. Leveraging our expertise, we specialize in designing and implementing secure blockchain-based platforms, integrating smart contracts to ensure transparency and integrity throughout the voting process. Our development consulting services encompass strategic planning, risk assessment, and tailored recommendations for optimal utilization of blockchain technology.

With a focus on user-friendly interfaces and seamless integration, we actively engage in gathering initial requirements, deploying, and maintaining systems. Partnering with Genesis Convergence empowers organizations to achieve enhanced transparency, security, and efficiency in their decentralized voting systems.

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Genesis Convergence offers blockchain consulting services to harness the potential of blockchain and gain valuable insights on DeFi (decentralized finance), NFTs, Web3, and Metaverse. It also provides cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency wallet, cryptocurrency exchange, tokenization of assets, NFTs marketplace development services.

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