Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Decentraland provides a virtual reality experience for users to explore and interact with the virtual world.  It is a platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain. At this time, Decentraland is one of the most ambitious projects in the blockchain space and has recently gained much attention. Moreover, it provides players with a decentralized infrastructure to develop their land using Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), allowing them to control in-game assets, policies, and development.

Decentraland – Features

Some of the Decentraland features make it one of the most successful metaverse projects of the decade such as:

  • Immutable Ownership

Decentraland allows users to buy and own virtual land, which is recorded on the Ethereum blockchain and cannot be taken away. Firstly, this feature ensures that users fully control their virtual property, then the user can use it for various purposes, such as creating content, building a virtual business, or renting it to others accordingly.

  • Create and Monetize Content

Secondly, the users can create and publish their own content in Decentraland, such as games, art, and music. They can also monetize their content through in-world transactions and cryptocurrency. This feature enables creators to earn revenue from their work and provides a platform for them to showcase their creativity. This creates a unique economy within the virtual world where users can buy, sell, and rent a virtual property. This opens up many possibilities for creators and businesses to monetize their content within the platform.

  • Social Interaction

Decentraland provides a social platform for users to interact with each other and participate in community-driven events and activities. This feature particularly enables users to engage with the community, form friendships, and collaborate on projects.

  • Interoperability with other Blockchain Projects

Additionally, Decentraland allows for integration with other blockchain projects, such as NFT marketplaces, making it possible for users to use and trade their NFTs within the virtual world. This feature enables users to use their NFTs across different platforms and expands the opportunities for creators and businesses to monetize their content. One of the areas where Decentraland excels is in its interoperability with other blockchain projects significantly.

  • Open-Source

Lastly, Decentraland is an open-source project that allows developers to build and contribute to the platform. This feature straightaway ensures that the platform is always evolving and improving, making it more user-friendly and feature-rich. This ensures that the platform is always evolving and improving furthermore, making it more user-friendly and feature-rich.

Decentraland’s Tokenomics

The Decentraland’s tokenomics is however designed to create a decentralized and open virtual world.  The users can buy, sell, create virtual assets, and incentivize other users to create, explore, and transact within the platform. Meanwhile, Decentraland’s tokenomics is based on two main tokens: MANA and LAND. Using LAND and ESTATE as scarce digital assets obviously allow users to build and monetize their creations while using MANA as a means of exchange facilitates transactions within the ecosystem.

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MANA is the cryptocurrency used to purchase LAND and other digital assets within Decentraland. It is an ERC-20 token. One can buy, sold, and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges with MANA. It is used as a means of exchange within the Decentraland ecosystem.  One can pay for gas fees associated with transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.


LAND is the non-fungible token (NFT) representing ownership of a specific parcel of land within the Decentraland virtual world. Each LAND token is for a 10m x 10m plot of virtual land, and the total supply of LAND is fixed at 90,000 parcels. Therefore, users can buy and sell on the Decentraland marketplace using MANA.


Decentraland also uses a virtual currency called ESTATE, which allows users to buy and sell groups of LAND parcels simultaneously. l6 LAND parcels can be bought, sold, and traded on the marketplace with one ESTATE.

Decentraland Avatars

One key feature of Decentraland is the ability for users to create and customize their own avatars, which are digital representations of themselves within the virtual world. Users generally participate in various activities, such as playing games, attending events, and exploring the virtual world using them. They are also customizable; users can buy or create different clothing, body shapes, and other features for their avatars.

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Decentraland Builders

Users, known as builders, can create and publish their own content, including games, apps, and virtual experiences. ,in the form of smart contracts. Builders can also buy and sell virtual land, called LAND, which is a non-fungible token (NFT) that represents ownership of a specific parcel of land in the virtual world. The Decentraland platform provides the tools and resources for builders to create and monetize their content, including a software development kit (SDK), a marketplace for buying and selling assets, and a community forum for sharing ideas and resources.

Decentraland Marketplace

The Decentraland marketplace is a platform for buying and selling virtual assets within the Decentraland virtual world. These assets can include virtual land (LAND), in-game items, and other digital assets. The marketplace uses a smart contract-based system that allows users to buy and sell assets directly without needing a central intermediary. This allows for a more open and decentralized system, where anyone can participate and trade assets freely.

The marketplace is accessible via the Decentraland website, where users can browse and search for available assets, view detailed information and previews, and make purchases using the cryptocurrency MANA. Users can also use the marketplace to sell their own assets, such as virtual land or in-game items, to other users. The marketplace is also integrated with the Decentraland SDK.  This allows creators to easily monetize their content and make it available for purchase by other users.

How to start?

1. Set up a MetaMask wallet

Decentraland uses the Ethereum blockchain, so you will need to set up a MetaMask wallet to store and manage your cryptocurrency (MANA) and virtual assets (LAND and other NFTs). MetaMask is a browser extension for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain.  It can be installed on Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge.

2. Purchase some MANA

You will need to purchase some MANA, the cryptocurrency used in Decentraland, to buy virtual land, in-game items and other digital assets. You can purchase MANA on cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance or CoinBase and then transfer them to your MetaMask wallet.

3. Explore the world

Once you have some MANA in your wallet, you can start exploring the Decentraland virtual world. You can use the map on the Decentraland website to navigate and discover different areas, games and experiences.

4. Create your avatar

To fully experience Decentraland, you will need to create your own avatar. You can use the built-in avatar creator or upload your own 3D model.

5. Purchase LAND

You can purchase virtual land, called LAND, on the Decentraland marketplace using your MANA. LAND is a non-fungible token (NFT) representing ownership of a parcel of land in the virtual world.

6. Build and create

Once you have your own piece of LAND, then you can start building and creating your own content. Decentraland provides an SDK and a marketplace for buying and selling assets. you can use the SDK to create your own games, apps, and experiences and share them with the community.

Overall, Decentraland is an exciting project with great potential. Its unique economy and social features set it apart from other virtual worlds and blockchain projects. As a matter of fact, it provides a platform for creators and businesses to monetize their content and for users to engage with each other in a virtual world. With a strong and active community of developers, Decentraland will continue evolving and improving in the future.

Decentraland – Improvements

All things considered, one area where Decentraland could improve is in the ease of use for non-technical users. The platform currently requires some level of technical knowledge to navigate and use. We can improve this platform by making it more user-friendly and accessible for non-technical users.

By Web3 Zone

Genesis Convergence offers blockchain consulting services to harness the potential of blockchain and gain valuable insights on DeFi (decentralized finance), NFTs, Web3, and Metaverse. It also provides cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency wallet, cryptocurrency exchange, tokenization of assets, NFTs marketplace development services.

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